Happy International Women's Day!

Female power of PHOENIX - on international women's day we asked our female designers: do you feel equal?
Today is the day to show the women around you an extra portion of respect, gratitude and support! Happy International Women’s Day to all strong, powerful and incredible women out there!
Here you can see some of the female power of PHOENIX – our Product Designer Tiantian at studio Shanghai, our UX/UI Designer Marlene at studio Stuttgart and not to forget our now and then emotional support Selma. It’s a blast to have all of you here!

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We asked our female designers how they perceive their working environment and whether they feel equal. The answers varied. Even though women are now more valued in most industries, there are still enough negative examples in everyday working life. Situations in which a woman has to appear more dominant in order to be taken just as seriously as a male colleague of the same age, or in which women do not feel perceived at eye level, make it more difficult for us to move towards an equal society.
So to all of you: please take care of each other and be aware to help in any of those situations.


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