Internship Review 2022/ 2023

Time to say goodbye to our interns who joined us from September to March: Vincent Delgmann, Industrial Design, FH Joanneum, Graz, Sabrina Kuom and Sarah Franke, Interaction Design, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd. We’ve tried our best to integrate them into a wide variety of projects, including a specific onboarding process as well as to the project teams but when we asked them what they liked most, it was certain: the people. What they take with them from their internship besides their “Adiletten”: a lot of learnings and encounters, open exchanges with colleagues. “The insight into the various fields of work of my colleagues also led to many good conversations that inspired me. I really enjoyed being able to work on so many projects. I was always recognized as a full team member and was thus able to contribute a lot to the projects. I really appreciate that I was given so much responsibility and trust. The areas of responsibility were very varied, so I was able to both deepen my familiar knowledge and learn new things.” Sarah explained.

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"I really enjoyed being able to work on so many projects. I was always recognized as a full team member and was thus able to contribute a lot to the projects." Sarah

Three words to describe PHOENIX for each of them would be: “Wellbeing, Innovation, Phygital”, "Determination, openness, enthusiasm" and "Human, Inspiring, cohesive". Sabrina let us know: „After the internship, I will go straight into my semester abroad and then write my bachelor's thesis. The internship has strengthened my professional orientation and I know in which direction I want to focus and develop in the future.“ Thanks for the time, you spend with us! We wish you all the best and hope to see you around at PHOENIX at some time!


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